Oferta dostępna w języku angielskim.
We are an IT company offering its products and being present on the international market since 2009. We develop our applications in multiple languages, and they are visited by over 1.000.000 users every month. Our social network Johnnybet, connecting and engaging the best tipsters from all over the world, has been our leading project for ten years. We owe the success of our products to SEO solutions as we are a global leader in innovations in this area.
Charity and participation in the local community are very important elements of our company's culture. That's why we established the JohnnyBros Foundation in 2021, thanks to which we can continue and expand our engagement in activities related to these issues.
In our multicultural team, we focus on mutual respect and an informal, friendly atmosphere. We don't have a complicated organisational structure; as a result, we work in small teams.
We know work-life balance not only by definition - we care about our employees, helping them maintain a balance between their private and work life and providing them with steady development. Apart from a high work culture, we offer a set of valuable benefits. It is established in a well-thought-out way to make our company the best place for long-term cooperation for all employees.
Currently, we are looking for an SEO Link Building Specialist to join our exceptional team. Work might be fully remote but with a possibility to work in our office in the city centre of Gdansk.
What will you do:
- driving ideas to acquire backlinks that positively impact organic rankings,
- co-creating and co-optimizing company processes related to your area of work,
- researching, reaching out, and negotiating with selected potential partners,
- reviewing others' findings,
- regularly analysing and optimising a current backlink profile.
Join us if you:
- understand and follow the most recent SEO principles,
- have at least 1 year of experience in SEO link building,
- have strong communication and negotiation skills,
- have strong analytical and research skills,
- have experience in using SEO tools for websites analysis,
- are a creative and effective problem solver,
- are precise in every detail,
- are self-motivated and enthusiastic about your work and work with the team.
What we offer:
- any form of employment (employment contract, B2B and others),
- salary of 6000-7500 PLN gross (employment contract), or 7200-9000 PLN (B2B)
- work in an international team,
- comprehensive onboarding process and training system in the first months of employment,
- career development opportunities,
- support from the first day of work,
- 4h of self-development each Friday,
- an atmosphere that you will not experience anywhere else (seriously!),
- and 14 other benefits (click below!), including financing of hobby courses, relocation bonus, Benefit System, additional breaks from work, free sandwiches, health insurance...
The recruitment process for this position:
1. A CV analysis,
2. An online interview with our HR Lead to get to know each other better,
3. An invitation for an English language test and an analytical test,
4. An invitation to our office (or for a Zoom meeting) to talk with one of the SEO department managers,
5. A job offer presentation.
Please send your job application in English or Polish - we do not accept applications written in other languages.
Prosimy o zawarcie w CV klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji prowadzonego przez JohnnyBros z siedzibą w Gdańsku zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO)”.
Informujemy, że Administratorem danych jest JohnnyBros z siedzibą w Gdańsku przy ul. Strzeleckiej 7b. Dane zbierane są dla potrzeb rekrutacji. Ma Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania. Podanie danych w zakresie określonym przepisami ustawy z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 r. Kodeks pracy oraz aktów wykonawczych jest obowiązkowe. Podanie dodatkowych danych osobowych jest dobrowolne.